Category: poetry

  • In The Moonlight

    I wanted to say hello, I kept waiting, watching it rise in a crystal clear sky. I suddenly felt alone like it was only me standing solo on a deck outside. I wondered if she might hear the sound of my heart beat, a slow steady pulse, meant I was still alive. I’ve watched many…

  • Try to figure this one out

    Is it really saying something, so profound, so underscored we switch gears trying to hang on, lost on yet another wander down the high school waves of inspiration and derision. I wish I could speak directly rather than some veiled facade. Seems getting a word in edgy, is clarity speaks to a constant scrutiny in…

  • I share a lot about my life and sometimes I don’t mind sharing, that’s what we do together, right? We create, and hope the world will listen, for fear we miss the beat, falter upon a thought, …

  • Simple Gesture

    On a quiet evening glance across the sky the stars alive. We live a simple life. for all of our pains the sky remains the same at least to us the naked eye. What is it that we all wish, a simple gesture a quiet reconciliation. With our soul our heart our eyes a wish…

  • Inside My Mind

    I put on a good front to satisfy society, yet inside there is a stir, a constant reevaluation, a notion of discord I won’t let anyone know. But what about the truth, maybe I’m the only one hiding, everyone else already knows, I just seem to show up. Inside my mind, I travel pretty far…

  • This Lonely World

    Words no longer dance they find themselves marooned against silence, some sedentary symbolism that isn’t really about anything anymore. Sitting alone in the dark, music playing familiar the same melody, similar sounds that remind the soul something did exist, some way we might remember there is a life, we did once lead. Now today, we…

  • A Different Time

    Say good bye, even if it felt right, always difficult to imagine being beyond our control, hanging on with all he could, always wishing words had been shared a different way, a different time, when life mattered more than any other reasons. When love seemed to land inside our dreams, to only hold our hearts…

  • No Title

    I tried to understand and days would go by, the bridges seemed to extend beyond a concept of love. There seemed a watery landscape filled with morning tears. I could feel this emotion wracked my mind, always trying to find the easier answers letting the difficult notions, leave my brain imagining only the romantic notions…

  • I Miss Love

    I held her in my hands one winter’s night while the world around me settled into a peace. I knew then what love really was, soft skin, the sweet perfume in a lover’s gasp. My hands flush, my eyes a certain curiosity as I hadn’t known such elegance in my own silent world. I held…

  • Thoughts and Memories

    Hold onto these moments, they might remind you, of a different time, one that caused a fury. That time when we lost, we forgot how to breathe, how to believe, we lost our faith altogether. There are those thoughts in mind, the sort that persecute our brain. We live for our moments, decide how they…